Malicious Domain Blocking
Our community driven effort to discover and block any and all malicious domains and IPs across the internet
How do I protect myself?
Please download and install the Ublock Origin Extension (Google Chrome) (Firefox) (Edge)
Click HERE to automatically add our list to Ublock Origin
If clicking above does not automatically ask you to add the list to Ublock Origin, please follow the manual instructions HERE
If you are an advanced user looking for multi-device protection, check out advanced options below
Where and how can I submit new threats?
You can submit new domains or IP addresses that are malicious via our reporting form HERE!
If you are submitting in bulk, please create a file (notepad .txt will work fine) with all domains/ips and the reason we should block them & email it to
What is this project exactly?
This project is a domain blacklist that is maintained by submissions from the community that are verified by a Hexxium Creations staff member
What domains will we blacklist?
We will blacklist domains that fall into any of the following categories: scams/phishing/malware/malvertising/exploits – and other general threats
Need More Help?
Where do I request removal from the blacklist?
If you are a domain owner for a domain that we have blacklisted and you feel that you have been wrongly blacklisted, or you have cleaned your domain of all problems we found and wish to be removed from our blacklist, please send an email to that includes your domain name, your name (first and last), your primary email address, the issues you fixed (if requesting review after fixing), and why you feel you were blacklisted incorrectly (if applicable). We monitor domains even after blacklist removal, so don’t expect to abuse the review system. We will respond by email ASAP.
Note: Users who were added to the blacklist for clearly hosting malicious activity such as a tech support scam will not be removed from the blacklist unless the domain name has been sold to a new owner, in which case, we would need proof of new ownership – Only a user who owns a domain that was seemingly compromised and subsequently abused can be removed from the blacklist after successful review.
These links below lead to 3rd party websites that are NOT monitored by the Hexxium Creations Team, at the time of listing, these projects were known safe and use our threatlist to help protect you. Use caution when visiting their sites. We receive no incentives to list these projects, they are simply for your benefit as an advanced user.
NoTrack is a DNS-Sinkhole which protects all devices on your home network from visiting Tracking, Advertising, and Malicious websites.

Note: This project was formally known as “Malicious Domain Blocker” and was originally intended to be a standalone extension that would work much like Ublock Origin does, however due to a lack of development and with the list now fully compatible with Ublock Origin, we’ve made the choice to discontinue the “Malicious Domain Blocker” project for the time being.
You can view the old open source code on Github and fork it if you wish to make use of it.