Hello! I know we don’t often post tech blog articles since we are volunteers and are more often than not busy with real life work and relationships. We are however always monitoring our website and various projects, especially me, Andrew Gildner, the founder of Hexxium Creations. I have decided to move our website hosting to a new provider to lower hosting costs (from A2 Hosting to Bluehost) and during the changeover, I rebuilt our website from the ground up to be faster and more modern, all previous data was removed (unless its was still actively needed, then we moved it). Don’t worry, we still love A2 Hosting, we just simply didn’t need as high end of a plan anymore as our website traffic has become more leveled and less spiked. We will slowly integrate new sponsors we trust over time to help keep our website funded, but we still never have any plans to run actual ads on our website, don’t worry.
This is simply a quick update article to inform you all of the design change, our malicious domain reporting system has been overhauled as well to be more efficient, it can be quickly reached from the button on the homepage now as well. Some small changes will still be made over time, but we expect to keep this layout for the foreseeable future, if you have any suggestions, please drop them by our contact us form. I am currently very busy with getting married, but I will always be here to check submissions to all website forms, and I will continue to be active in shutting down scams globally. I may just not always post videos of it anymore due to time constraints.
Thank you all for your continued support,
Andrew Gildner (Founder)