TeamViewer Security Breach (Millions compromised)

As of June 1st, 2016, TeamViewer experienced a downtime to all users due to a massive scale DoS attack on their DNS servers (as claimed by their press statement). Following this downtime which is still affecting some users globally, users began to flood the internet with reports that their computers have been remotely controlled by an unknown person via TeamViewer. (more…)

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Ransomware – A User’s Worst Nightmare

Ransomware is on the rise, it is a malware infection that will encrypt a user’s files and hold them for a ransom that normally can only be paid in bitcoin or other not easily traceable payment forms. This type of malware infection is particularly crippling to a business as they could potentially lose financial information and more to hackers. Recently, Malwarebytes shared a blog post that a hospital in LA paid around 17,000 dollars in bitcoin (40BTC) to recover their files that were encrypted by Ransomware, as a result of this and the rise we have noticed in Ransomware infections, we will now cover what Ransomware does in this blog post as well as how you can protect yourself from this threat. (more…)

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